Sunday, May 13, 2018

Great Yellow Worm of Nurgle

The Great Yellow Worm of Nurgle is towering, corpulent daemon, filled with trapped souls. He is one of Nurgle's chief Generals on the material plane, fighting to spread the gifts of Pappa Nurgle to everyone he can. Here is my great unclean one I built for Helge Wilhelm's GUO competion. If you haven't already, check out his blog for many more guos. I can't wait to field this guy!

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Construction of a Great Unclean One.

Work in Progress shots of my Great Unclean One made for Helge Wilhelm's recent competition.

Starting work on the bilesword.

He has magnetized arms for weapon options.

I ran short of time and these two arms didn't get finished.

The Great Worm of Nurgle, ready for paint.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

5/1/18 Top Shelf

Been meaning to start up this here blog, guess now's as good a time as any.. I rearranged my curio cabinet tonight. Top shelf, toys, minifigs, and miniatures.